- When the difficulty is set to Veteran or Post Human there are some glaring issues. Let's say for example on the map when the F.D.R. collapses (keep in mind this happens on every level), when on these difficulties are chosen, the A.I.'s are able to see through walls and through invisibility simultaneously. How can you tell? Well unlock the "Threat Tracer" nano-function and just play the game. I was in a sewer, entering a new area with enemies that should not be aware of my presence, and suddenly there are bullet traces coming from strange areas. Now what makes this double-strange is that I was also invisible. The guys shooting at me had to be able to see through A metal container, 2 walls, and the road, into the sewers, and target an invisible man that until this point was not even on the map. Now I do understand the concept of when you turn the difficulty up, the game gets harder. Difficulty is not an issue, these A.I. scrubs can be raqed when the nano-suit is in the hands of a capable gamer, but what makes no sense at all is how these non-augmented, nano-suit-less solders are able to shoot at something that should not exist yet to them. I really hate to complain about Crysis 2, almost as if it is a fad to bich here, but some things really do need to be brought up.
It is regrettable that polishing touches like DirectX11 are missing, but I find that to not be an issue when compared to the problems I've been reading the rest of you having with things like Multiplayer sessions timing out, or not even being able to begin a match. Now if you really want to see the game graphically shine just go to your GPU's config and tell it to force AA and AF to a level that your GPU can push the game at, and with the lack of foliage in New York City, the performance hit when activating AA and AF is negligible.
Also, thank you Cevat (and the rest of your team @Crytek) for another great game. Yes we all know it's different from Crysis 1 (and still needs a little lovin' from your coders), but now more people will be able to enjoy your vision of the perfect solder thanks to release on console. Just please don't forget about your avid PC enthusiasts. We have always loved your work and the reason we get so bent out of shape is because of your track record for greatness.
Has anyone else noticed any other strange A.I. behavior? I did at one point while entering a new are cloaked see two solders shooting at each other calling each other Prophet. (one of them had grenades and they both died haha) It's hard to complain about the enemy killing each other, but I'm sure it's not supposed to work that way. Cell seems to have internal disputes but I doubt they'd resort to violence within.
Come on guys, lets make this great game shine like we all know it should.