Yeah I'd like a trailer with a female character. Maybe we can get a gameplay video at E3 that has action shots of both.
Yeah I'd like a trailer with a female character. Maybe we can get a gameplay video at E3 that has action shots of both.
And you are playing "Chicken Little" running around screaming the sky is falling and that there won't be a gender choice in game because there is a male PC in the trailer. You are so close to being a certain stereotype it is ridiculous.
You are right, though. I am protesting using a female avatar in the trailer, because I am protesting using an avatar. There is no way in the world you are going to satisfy everyone, and you certainly won't do it by replacing one "injustice" with another. So, just get rid of all avatars.
If Bethesda did choose to put a woman in the trailer as the protagonist there would be 50 threads with the basic theme of "OMG! We HAVE to play as a woman? Will we have the option to play as a man???"
First world problems. The featured protagonist in a trailer with a customizable character is 99% of the time a generic placeholder.
Yeah because that problem totally happened when Dragon Age started using female player characters in their promotional material... Not.
Of course Fallout will almost certainly allow you to play as a woman... that isn't the point.
The point is that so much of what society says is the norm is a white male and women and non-whites have had to get used to seeing themselves through a white male lens. Having a few games chose to show a female protagonist half the time... or even all the time, barely makes up for the fact that they are significantly under represented in the media including games and games promotion.
Male gamers should just stop whining and even if when they play the game they are likely to select a male character, they should allow themselves the experience of seeing the demo's through the eyes of a character that looks less like them (like everyone else does all the time!!!).
You mean, seeing a demo through the eyes of... Oh, I don't know... A Dog?
Meh. I guess I'm just too old to be concerned about it, having been raised in a time before the rise of a modern grievance culture that brainwashes everyone into being oversensitive about the silliest things. I suppose rather than showing us a montage of sites from the Boston Wasteland they should have shown us a montage of various protagonists so that nobody from any demographic would feel slighted or left out.
Personally, I was more interested in images of the Wasteland.
By the way, why does all the Fallout companion dogs have to be shepherds? I'm somewhat offended that us Chihuahua fans don't receive equal representation. Don't they know that not every dog lover prefers shepherds?
That wouldn't work either because some people would get all butt hurt about order of the various protagonists are displayed.
On the companion dog front.
They never have been shepherds. They have always been Blue Heelers (aka, Australian Cattle Dogs). The only reason we have a shepherd this time is that all the German Shepherds started complaining on the forums when Fallout 3 was released. BGS just to spite the German Shepherds selected a sable Shiloh Shepherd for Fallout 4 instead.
Err... that was a chihuahua?
Well. I guess this isn't anymore then. I thought it was kinda lacking in the bushy tail department.
Another name for squirrel stew, crispy squirrel bits and squirrel on a stick is long pig. True story.
I don't think it really matters to be honest. they showed the guy for like what? three seconds or so. Although it would be cool if they showed off the different characters you can make in the next trailer, Maybe have lots of action scenes with a diverse cast of characters.
Well if they go that route, and in keeping with the spirit of this thread, they better damned well show a representation of my demographic or there will be Hell to pay.
I also insist I be able to select it for my player character in game or I will refuse to purchase the game.
As long as we have the choice to pick a woman or man I personally don't care who they show in a trailer.
why, prefer "is she hot" threads to "is he voiced" ones...? ,-)
They will not show a female player character in the trailers. For some 'unknown' reason every game with character creation that lets the player choose gender is never marketed with a female protagonist. Bethesda and Bioware always market a default human dudebro as main character.
They think it will hurt the sales.
That is not the psychology responsible for keeping women off the battlefield.
This is the real reasoning behind the segregation. The US military was desegregated 20 years ago and after years of research and study it was found that the men in the company would forsake their duty to rescue a woman comrade. Military enlisted women reluctantly gave up the fight for equality on the battlefield when they learned of the deep rooted evolutionary instinct men possess in their presence which compromises the effectiveness of a unisix company.
There are rumors you gotta play as a set voiced white male character (Geralt/JCDenton).
Please explain to me how on earth playing a protagonist that doesn't align with who you are in real life is such a traumatizing experience.
I got news for you sweetheart (<----totally condescending on purpose cuz I'm a badass rebel without a cause), I can successfully play Metroid or Skullgirls without having a panic attack because my character is a female. I can play the default Fallout Tactics character and survive the day despite the fact that he's black; infact, it doesn't effect me at all. My favorite Binding of Isaac Rebirth character is Magdalene, despite the fact that she and I are not the same gender. It's almost as if anyone who would complain about such trivial issues either has little better to do with their time.
To top it all off, I have one leg. Not an accident, not lost halfway in life, I was born with one. Do you know how many games bother to include characters missing a leg, let alone protagonists? Here's a challenge for you: go find a game like this and I'll buy you Skullgirls on Steam so you can play all the female characters you like. Yes, this is a serious offer. (assuming of course you don't already own Skullgirls)
Despite all of this, I am not emotionally effected by any of that in the slightest. I somehow manage to play as Samus without even noticing or caring that my character has briasts and I myself do not. I somehow can make it through the day having played as Mario even though he has double the legs that I do and uses them quite frequently to pull off sweet jumps.
A very wise person on the internet once told me that maybe people should just stop whining and should allow themselves the experience of playing a character that looks less like them. The question remains: why can't you do this and why is this such a big deal for you?
Side-note: While I'm afraid I can't recall the name, there was a game that was explicitly designed to cater to some of the complaints voiced by Anita Sarkeesian, a well-known feminist critic. This is a fairly recent game that would've come out in the past 6 months; hopefully someone will know which one I mean and say the name. They had a female protagonist who was designed to be strong, but the result was that she was criticized for not being strong enough, because she'll often rely on the aid of her male teammates. (which the male teammates are guilty of aswell) So while I don't know Dragon Age or if any complaints arose with whatever female lead they had, yes, there are grounds for my statement about how "it's never enough."
Who cares if it's a male or female in the trailer as long as we see gameplay? We will inevitably be able to pick either gender so it's whatever.
A bit off topic, but there are 2 games being made right now that both feature blind protagonists..... Ones called Blind, and the other Perception... They both deal with traversing areas using sound to navigate.