The hitting on/harassment is also why a lot of female players don't admit it. If they want to play, they don't want to deal with the guys.
Man, I see it all the time in TF2. As soon as someone figures out it's actually a girl, and not a pre-pubascent boy they start flirting.
I have to admit, I've found a couple gamer girls voices very sixy and attractive, but I don't start hitting on them. That's just weird. (Ok if you have gotten to know them for some time, but most start in right away.)
If I have the option, in any game, I play female characters mostly. It has nothing to do with "free stuff" however, as they are mostly single player games. I just like the gender bender feeling playing a female character as I am not female. And they are always bisixual!

My Shepard in ME2 is female and attempting to sleep with the whole crew. 1 down, "X" to go. Yeomen "whatshername" is my next conquest. :hubbahubba:
This is why games are fun, I can be and do what I like and it gives me pleasure. (No, not
that kind of pleasure you sick puppy!
