I have all the women I need right here in Valthume.
What do you mean? Marriage Choices? If so go get the Amulet of mara from the priest in riften.
If you deal with Valdar... I see a lot of potential goodness for you my mortal friend.
Who can you marry in solitude? And whats her name?
I see a bright future ahead of you, my son. Stay true to Alduin and you will become powerful like none other.
Thanks alot Shadow_ Titan17, It's very helpfull thanks
Yeah, you should totally head to Valthume, if you don't mind your women being a bit on the thin side
But seriously, it all depends on what you're looking for in an NPC woman. You can find them anywhere really, this game isn't lacking when it comes to women.
Lacking when it come to marriagable Bosmer, Khajiit, and Redguard women.
Well yeah, it is lacking in a diversity in the race of women, but that never really bothered me much as I'm always a Nord. Maybe in a future game this won't be so much of an issue. Same with children too, as all of them look like they're the same race to me.
My favorites are Sylgja, Jordis, Senna, and even though you cant marry her(why beth.. why...?) Serana.
Right. I always found it funny that two Redguard parents have a Nord child. Hilarious, lol.
When I first saw that a year and a half ago, I thought to myself: "So...what's wrong with this picture?"
That's what I did today for the very first time. Felt kind of odd but better prepared then not if I come across some mighty gorgeous Skyrim lass with a caring heart and a passion for beastly old me