i read in an interview that from the beginning there weren't going to be any in the game. i'm also going to assume that some modder somewhere will make a mod that changes this. my question is that if someone does this well enough, do you think that maybe somehow they would make it an official patch? i know this isn't really ever done, but i feel like it should be.
It's true that we won't be able to make female characters. There were several issues that went in to the decision but it seems the deciding one was art resources: allowing players a gender choice would double the amount of art the characters required. Well, perhaps more correctly (since doubling the amount of art wasn't feasible) it would halve the character options for either gender. Splash Damage decided they'd rather have one gender and devote all of their character art to giving that one options.
I understand Splash Damages reasoning, heck I bring the same explanation up for why adding multiplayer to an Elder Scrolls or Fallout game would be problematic, as it would divert lots of resources away from other parts of the game. However I'm personally hoping that Brink does well enough that Splash Damage can consider including women later on, either as extra content in Brink or an initial part of a sequel.
As for modding this option in . . . this would either require a monumental effort (creating tons of art resources) or it would leave women all looking largely the same. The former is probably unfeasible unless a fair number of people work on this for a considerable amount of time. For such a mod to work the final product would probably have to be a cohesive whole which makes it difficult to accomplish as a community effort - but not impossible. Even if a team could pull this off there are the other contributing issues to Splash Damages decision to drop women, like equalizing hit boxes between male and female mods. This certainly isn't an insurmountable hurdle but it does complicate an already difficult task.