Women of the Wasteland [http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/mods/51084/] is a little something I've been piecing together on the side as I've been working on Oblivion and Skyrim mods. As FO3/NV and Oblivion have very similar character setups, it was very logical to work with after my Oblivion Character Overhaul.
I had a hard time making a female character that I'd like out of the models and presets the game shipped with and no mods out there quite did what I was looking for, so I took the head system apart, created copy races of the vanilla ones, set up custom headshapes for each, sculpted proper normal maps and did some texturing magic. The result is pretty neatly proportional and believable women, I dare to claim.
Screenshots with comparisons:
My original intent was to repeat what I did with Oblivion Character Overhaul and propagate the changes to all female characters in the game, but as I'm going back to work from my holidays and have literally 5 other ongoing projects in modding, it wasn't going to happen in any short timeframe. So in the spirit of sharing and encouraging mod efforts, I'm releasing my work as playable races AND modder's resources that are completely open to any use as long as my name is credited somewhere in the final result.
Hope you guys like it and get some use out of it.