Why should I stop comparing Morrowind to Oblivion? Isn't comparison what everything considered "good" in video games (and much else) arises from? - by comparing one thing to another? Of course I am allowed to compare the two. Yes, they are two drastically different games, as any rational minded person would expect them to be, however it makes no logical sense for the games to progress in some areas while simultaneously digressing in others. They should take what the previous game had and improve and expand upon it, not seemingly arbitrarily pick and choose this feature and that while cutting others for the sake of "streamlining". I want to see these games progress as a whole.
Come on, that's like expecting nature to choose the strongest species to live the longest. In a one on one, so many species would wtf pwn humans. Yet here we are.
Morrowind and Oblivion were two different games, with two different directions. I love Oblivion, but god it did so many things so wrong it was funny. The bandits with glass armor made me laugh, seriously. I laugh every time I see one.
Why shouldn't you compare the games? Because they have different titles. They said so themselves, they start from scratch with almost every single TES game. I love this idea. Seriously, its probably the main reason why I love TES so much. It removes the probability of getting stuck in a rut.
Dragonball Z. So much about this, I love. Goku, Gohan...Videl, Vegeta, Krillin, Yamcha, Tien, Chaoitzu, Piccolo, 17, 18, 16, I love the series to death. But the games...oh my kami the games are so stuck in a rut it hurts. If they started from scratch with every dbz game...my gaming experience would be so much better.
Morrowind from Oblivion to Fallout 3. The Dev had the guts to try something new, something different. That is such a good thing. I think I know this a lot more because of DBZ. DBZ is so stuck in a rut, it may never get out. While Beth scraps everything and then starts again. That is so gutzy, so brave. It makes absolutely no business sense, but it makes so much gaming sense.
I agree with you in the end. The game should feel like it is progressing, and it does to me. Its your opinion that it doesnt, and I don't agree. Morrowind did some things right, Oblivion did some things right...Fallout 3 did some things right...the game is progressing to me. I can see the games getting better as they go. People actually looke human to me, the screenshot of the bar-maid was amazing. She looked hot. She really looked like a woman. That has never happened before. A hot girl in a TES game? Seriously, its happening.
Combat looks like its progressing. Duel-wielding looks like it won't be just a gimic. Perk tree's look like they're increase the uniqueness of the players characters...writing this game off due to Fallout 3 and Oblivion just doesn't make sense to me. So much has changed, grown. Its illogical to me. I just can't make heads or tails of what you guys are saying.