Up here in upstate New York, it just won't stop raining. It's been all rain this week and the week before last week and according to the weather channel, it's going to continue raining with isolated/scattered thunderstorms into next week with few showers on Sunday. I have an annoyingly nosy neighbor who once complained about my house's grass being too long and apparently, grass over 8 inches of length is illegal in my town, so we had one week to mow it following the receiving of that complaint under the threat of fines and/or jail time. For one thing, what the heck? Who made such a stupid law and why is my neighbor such a jerk? For another thing, it's been getting long for a while, now, and my mom just keeps telling me to mow it. I want to, but the grass/ground is wet and I've been told not to mow grass while it's wet (slipping reasons, supposedly; more likely, in my opinion, for grass to clump together and clog the lawnmower). Is it safe to do so? Would it work, even? What is your advice on this? I don't want the neighbor to complain, again, and am not sure what another complaint would mean, considering there's already been one about our lawn. However, I'm not sure if it will work and I don't want to slip and cut my finger off or deal with whatever the potential safety risks may be.