I Wonder How Much They Will Keep Secret

Post » Sun Jun 26, 2011 10:44 am

In the days before internet was widespread, you had to discover a lot about a game by yourself. You might be able to get a hints-and-tips mag if you were lucky, and the magazine shop had one in stock. Most of the time they didn't.

This meant that you got a lot of nice surprises when you played a game. TES games were particularly good like this. Daggerfall and Arena never failed to make me curious as to what else I was missing out on and what other "underground" organizations lurked in the world. Discovering Witches Covens, Necromancy groups, Dark Brother Hood Sanctuaries, Thieves Guild Nests and Vampire dens, were all found by me as I unravelled the world. Finding out about vampirism and lycanthropy stand out as seriously cool moments in my gaming life time. They briefly hinted at some of these things in the manuel but by the time you had discovered them you had forgotten all about it. So you started collecting and dissecting every cool in game book you could find about the subject you were looking for. I remember searching for dragons for ever. In vain, as we know now ha.

Bethesda have been pretty quiet on so much of Skyrim. A lot more so than Morrowind and Oblivion. Todd seems in interviews to try to say as little as possible and has even stated he doesn't want to spoil things. You could say this is a Marketing ploy but it actually seems counter productive at the moment. I've got a sneaky feeling that we will get a lot more surprises from Skyrim than previous games. Vampirism and Guilds i'm looking a you.

(Or maybe Bethesda will just release all the info a month before release to try and bombard the media, I hope not)
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Zoe Ratcliffe
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Post » Sun Jun 26, 2011 1:19 pm

Them being Quiet is a GOOD thing...I hope they continue it Pre Oblivion they barked so much about Oblivion, nothing but good things to say about it, and alot of their statements turned out not to translate to what actually is in game. while I think it would qwell alot of fears it would ignite even more fires.
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ANaIs GRelot
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Post » Sun Jun 26, 2011 6:56 pm

Well, considering they haven't answered any new questions since E3, there ought to be a ton of surprises.

Like Weresharks.
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Gill Mackin
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Post » Sun Jun 26, 2011 10:32 am

the wait is agonizing, but it's probably for the best in this situation. Makes the game worth the wait
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Post » Sun Jun 26, 2011 10:08 am

to be honest i don't want to know much about the game,before getting it,as the op said,i want to find out for myself.it's way more fun/rewarding that way.am purposfully trying not to read/see too much about the game for this reason.
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Post » Sun Jun 26, 2011 7:40 am

Well, considering they haven't answered any new questions since E3, there ought to be a ton of surprises.

Like Weresharks.

Fingers crossed for wereshark confirmation lol

Honestly I have no problem with them keeping stuff under wraps. It makes experiencing the game for the first time much more exciting and fun since you're not sure what to expect. Honestly I wish I could forget most of what I know about it already.
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Post » Sun Jun 26, 2011 3:00 pm

Part of me agrees with OP and part doesn't.

Like say if they never told you if Vampirism was in oblivion and you just completely missed out on it cause you didn't find it?

Like you can't look for something that you dont know exists.

But at the same time, I do agree with you how stuff is a lot more cool and rewarding when you find it on your own.

Its a tough balance, thats what I liked about the 'Rumors' option when talking to someone because you can hear stuff like that. I guess if they keep it quiet I'd like to hear about it at least in a vague way in game so I know what to be looking for or keeping my eye open for.
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Post » Sun Jun 26, 2011 12:28 pm

I got what I want,Info,Screen shots and in game footage,now just have to wait for the game,as annoying as that is....
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