I wonder if we'll still purchase spells

Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 10:16 am

I'm sure we'll be able to buy spells as well as find tomes. I doubt we'll see the NPC teach us though.

I too believe this will be the case. I am hoping for some accessibility to havok behavior through the ck and also no hard coded animation limit so something like this can be made seamlessly as a mod.

^Alois was not being serious about a mini game.
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Lynne Hinton
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 11:14 am

I mean it could be something as simple as this (lets say you go to a spell merchant to buy a fireball spell):

The merchant takes you out back to some kind of target, or possibly they conjure a low level enemy. Then they say "watch closely" and cast the fireball. Then the spell appears in your hand, and you practice it a few times on the conjured enemies until you tell the trainer that you're done.

That's all I would need to feel immersed. The trainer casts a spell once or twice, then instructs you to do the same. Maybe your spell could initially fail, but after a few attempts you understand it and can use it properly.

Holy [censored]! I had the exact same idea a while back. I always thought just "buying" a spell was kinda lame. I think that maybe only mages should sell spells and should give you an optional "training" lesson or to. Perhaps you could be rewarded with extra XP in that spell area for doing the training.
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Chad Holloway
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 3:32 pm

Yeah I think they said about 85. Each spell training session would be different, because the NPC is demonstrating a different spell.

That'd be potentially a whole heck of alot of animations, for something that's really minor. :shrug:
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 1:51 am

We don't know how spells will be acquired, though I suspect the mechanic for purchasing them will remain, however, if they made it so that when you learn a new spell, some time passes, similar to training in Morrowind, to reflect that the spell merchant actually taught you the spell rather than psychically beaming the knowledge into your mind might help to reduce the feeling that you're "buying" spells as physical items, though this could get annoying if you want to buy several spells at one time and end up spending half a day on just learning spells. Alternately, spell merchants could actually sell books or scrolls that teach you the spell when you read them, aside from making acquiring spells seem more realistic, this could also allow players to gain spells through means other than paying someone, like finding a spell scroll in a dungeon.
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Sylvia Luciani
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 7:08 am

They might just switch it over too buying spell tomes this time around.
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SUck MYdIck
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 10:03 am

Holy [censored]! I had the exact same idea a while back. I always thought just "buying" a spell was kinda lame. I think that maybe only mages should sell spells and should give you an optional "training" lesson or to. Perhaps you could be rewarded with extra XP in that spell area for doing the training.

I think it would help the feel of learning spells a lot. I mean the act of learning spells is a very important part of the progression for a magic user. It should feel special, not just like you're buying something. As it is in Oblivion there's barely any difference in how it feels to buy a spell vs buying an item. I do like the idea of giving you some little bonus for actually going through with the training instead of skipping it. Maybe like a quarter to half a skill increase in that magic school - nothing that would be missed or impossible to make up for people that skip the training.

That'd be potentially a whole heck of alot of animations, for something that's really minor. :shrug:

No, the animations would be the exact same animation that the NPC or player regularly uses to cast any spell. The idea is that when you purchase a spell, the NPC demonstrates the spell, then instructs you to try it. The only additional animations required would be a possible "spell failure" animation, if that was included (as in the first couple times you try out the spell in front of the trainer it fails). But that wouldn't really be necessary, just a little extra to make it feel like you are learning the spell and don't immediately use it perfectly.

When I say each session would be different, that's just a result of the types of spells. For destruction, the trainer would conjure an enemy or take you to an immobile target, and cast the spell on that. For spells like charm, the trainer might just cast the charm on another nearby NPC and tell you to do the same. There would be differences, but not necessarily new animations that aren't already in the game anyway. Mainly I was responding to the sentiment that every time you learn a spell there would be some little cutscene or non-unique animation that never changes regardless of the spell, which wasn't what I was suggesting.

But if we're going to have animations for wood chopping, mining, cooking, fishing, smithing, alchemy, and enchanting, I don't see why this idea seems so farfetched.
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 2:14 pm

Well since Mage Guild is no more work in arcane busyness, number of spells in game become reduced since there is no spellmaking so there is no guild thats will provided such service,
so spells become much less common and thats spells thats left in game presented as a unique ones,
I believe source of spells now teachers thats will teach us spells if we fit certain requirements not only to gold, maybe skills, level, rank, disposition now have more power then gold
Such teachers can shown some example of work of spells as well or test player skills in magic duel.
Maybe some quest done like it was in Midas Magic can provide us with spells, and some spells can be found at rare books and scrolls in game so we can learn from them new spell.
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Ymani Hood
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 3:00 pm

i thought you get new spells as you level up and increase specific attributes? such as destruction?

im only talking about skyrim of course
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