When I hit a guy with a mace, and he has light armor, that mace shouldnt need a marker from almight to tell it YES you can now hurt people through there armor!
and when I'm demi-god status strong in the arm (ups thats gone too) and I hit some guy in a tin Can, it should also without the need to be given permisision, turn that guy into pulp, is that not the nature of blunt weapons?
come, someone please answer this without throwing an insult or trying to make another look like an idiot.
Unlocking those effects through perks might not be the best idea but you can hardly scratch the WHOLE perks concept based on a couple bad ones.
Why do I need to pick a perk to dodge my enemies? especially when apparently acrobatics and athletics are out? I'm trying to base this on tangible playstyle enhancing scenarios and not +5 to armor.
Now all one handed weapons are governed in one skill. So if you can hit hard with a sword, you can hit hard with a mace too!
:lmao: but but Blunt and swords are seperate skills no? otherwise there wouldnt be a perk so specific to Blunts (there is).....so aww man all that work and I can't hit hard with a sword, and swords dont ignore armor :/
P.S I can't find the link to the article