# But what you don't get is that keeping an old system just because it was in previous games is a bad plan. First of all, we have a new system that does what the old system did and more. Secondly, it would take precious development time to make them useful and then adding them on top of the new system is redundant and will cause imbalances as you just doubled your sources for damage and other effects, that quickly gets out of hand. You just can't say "We want the old stuff but also the new stuff that does the same thing" because it quickly gets out of control and unbalanced and then the same people that said "We want the old stuff but also the new stuff that does the same thing" will be back in here after playing Skyrim and saying "We want you to fix the game because it's too easy because we get too powerful too quickly."
# The 3 attributes we have left is what the 8 attributes represented anyhow, there is no difference. Having 8 attributes does not distinguish your characters further, we have already seen how little impact they have on your character and all character that anyone made will always have the same attributes maxed out, the useful ones like intelligence and strength. With the 3 true attributes plus 280 perks, that is far more distinguishing that 8 attributes ever were.
# As I explained above, theya re redundant when piled on top of the new system that does the same thing but more efficiently and better. Attributes added far less complexity than the new system does and was just a nice row of big numbers people could look at. As for being a reflection of reality, it really isn't, the new system is a reflection of reality, where skills decide your characters overall power. In real life, if you have some scrawny guy that is a master of swords and a big muscular brute that has never used a sword before, the scrawny guy is going to do more damage with a swing than the strong guy because things like having the right leverage in your swing is were all the damage comes from in a swing, not brute strength. The weapon's base damage is to reflect the weapons quality. Otherwise, there would be no use for different types of weapons and armor and thus you would just have swords, regular armor and so on. Weapon value on weapons is a very different thing than attributes and can't be equated that way.
Besides in truth, the attributes aren't cut, they are still in the game in a different form. Endurance is still here, you get to increase health and stamina, strength is still here but is in form of weapon skill and perks. Intelligence is still here, it's just straight up magicka. Personality will probably take the form of some kind of speechcraft system and so on.
# You answer an argument that says I do
not want the old system by saying that the old system is bad. I really don't know how to make it any clearer, sorry.
You say it would get out of hand, but that is not necessarily true. Attributes don't have an inherent trait that makes everything too powerful. Balancing each individual perk is much more difficult than adjusting a modifier-value to skills.
# You are again arguing with the old system in mind. You are fighting strawmen!
# And I say they are not redundant because they work from a different angle. Maybe we just have to agree to disagree here.
If I use your example, my point is that a scrawny master swordsman will be weaker than a strong master swordsman. You portrayed the example to make it look like I want attributes to be more important than skills, which is not the case.
And you are exactly right, if you removed weapon base damage you would just have regular stuff, just as by removing all attributes you just have regular base characters. And yes again, we still have 3 attributes, which is exactly why there should be no
conceptual problem to increase the number to 6 (I think speed an luck could be cut), to prevent shoving things together that don't belong together.
I don't quite follow on this statement
Except the "effect" of attributes as a general, independent modifier for skill is not gone and CAN be replaced by perks. People think just because perks are skill bound they can't achieve the things that the new 3 attributes don't from the original 8 attributes. Strength's damage increase is replaced by perks. Agility's bonus to ranged damage is replaced inherently by the new ranged combat system. Speed is replaced by sprint. Encumbrance can be replaced by stamina. Also things like magicka regen or further cost reduction on spells can be handled by perks in magic skills. Everything is replaced and accounted for and we still have more with the insanely large amounts of perks. Nothing has been removed and that's what people need to realize, the game isn't getting less, it's getting more, MUCH more.
# I didn't follow his statement either. Something that doesn't exist can't have a use.
# A skill bound modifier is not an independent modifier. There is no way around this until they add "free" perks. :shrug: