Wonky travel packages

Post » Tue Apr 29, 2014 3:20 pm

I am having problems getting a travel AI package to work correctly in a quest.

The NPC (in a quest alias with the package on the alias) talks to the player, at the end set stage to 30

The AI package is activated at stage 30, and the npc begins to travel from the High Rock border towards the travel package target in Dragonsreach.

When she passes through my border fortress, she turns and enters the load door to the barracks tower. Quest target on her says she is in the building.

I enter the building, she is not there, she is outside.

I go outside - she is allegedly inside. Rinse, repeat.

I wait 2 game hours.

The quest marker says she is in Whiterun (WTF!?) (NOTE: using Open Cities Skyrim mod also if that is relevant)

I player.moveto her and I am in limbo - quest markers in distance, sun in distance, like on a cloud layer; no dragonsreach, no whiterun, no NPC, I cannot move.

Has anyone ever seen this, and what was the solution?


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