Why are you taking a statement, which was posted obviously in a joking manner, so seriously?
Maybe because it was unprofessional for someone as high up on the chain as him? Maybe because being called 'paranoid' when we are now discovering was completely justified was preposterous and completely rude? When you represent a company such as Bethesda, you can't take the risk to have something come back and bite you in the ass such as this because it just undermines your credibility and makes you look like an idiot and yes, I personally think an official apology would have been nice from someone acting so unprofessional.
I also think we deserve a better screencap than something that looks like it was pulled from any number of Fallout games. How quaint, we get a picture of a decimated road filled with rubble and concrete. Not like the entirety of the Fallout WORLD isn't filled with that. It doesn't even seem relevant that image is so vague.