If anything Redguards are Arabs, Khajiit based off of Nomadic tribes in the middle east or asia. Can't really agree with Altmer, Argonians, Bretons, Dunmer and Orcs either.
My theory was wood elves were wood elves, high elves were high elves, dark elves were dark elves, nords were nords, redguards were black guys >.>, imperials were imperials, bretons were bretons, argonians were argonians, and khajiit were khajiit.
Bretons are Italians? What? No. No no no. They live in a temperate country that's heavily based on the feudal system with lords in castles and peasants in the fields and various quaint little towns with thatched roofs.
Bretons are Italians? What? No. No no no. They live in a temperate country that's heavily based on the feudal system with lords in castles and peasants in the fields and various quaint little towns with thatched roofs.