1) Just because you say no offense doesn't mean that I don't get offended. In this case I did and you have been reported. You should stop telling people by itself that their ideas are ridiculous, that they need to grow up, and to tell them to do the work themselves. This is completely irrelevant, quite "attacking", out of topic and out of this forum too I'd say.
2) Don't strawman fallacy me. I'm saying that you should be able to cut down every single tree. Never said that. I'm saying that the trees that you cut in any regard, should have animations and be done by destructible environments.
Destructible environments has been done for many many games. Almost every single game nowadays have it, one way or another. It can be done by applying the technology to the mesh itself. It doesn't matter how many trees there are.
But if you do cut down 100 trees within one area, it kinda hurts the performance. I doubt that would happen though. You'd need a real sawing machine for that

3) As I said, lots of games already have destructible environment, and have had that for a long time. It's not magic. Just because a game is an RPG doesn't mean it can't have it. A game doesn't need to be an axe-game to have destructible trees. No matter what kind of game it is, it can have it.
I think destructible trees, with a very long restoration time, would be perfect. Far Cry 2 had this and I've heard no complaints but coolness about it

It would also make battles epic. Especially with dragons. Ex: you shoot a dragon in the heart with an arrow from the woods, and it crashes into them, destroying lots of trees at the same time