I am slightly confusd about how the woodcutting will work. I haven't seen a whole lot of discussions about it (maybe because cutting wood is a bit boring..). Do you actually have to go out and cut trees down? Does this mean that trees need to regrow? Can you cut too many down? Not sure how it all works. Also, if you cut wood is it considered Dovahkindling?
I recall the devs talking about trees falling and limbs breaking due to weather so I think you can chop one down with an axe. I don't know if it's still in but there it is.
I recall the devs talking about trees falling and limbs breaking due to weather so I think you can chop one down with an axe. I don't know if it's still in but there it is.
id guess its only certain trees and if you have an axe in your inventory probably like an inventory thing where you 'open' the tree and take x amount of wood out and probably see some branches missing or something after that