There were several bows in Morrowind and Oblivion made of wood.
But your point is taken.

Glass bows just don't make a lot of sense, though imagine trying to sell
glass armor to someone... :lmao:
Ebony is based on Glass, is just some form of volcanic glass, I guess from an "game science" standpoint they are basically ultra-hard volcanic glass, a bit like diamonds. Diamonds are very brittle but are one of the hardest substances on earth, I suppose ebony and glass would be the same way except less brittle. Metal bows are basically just as impossible, nobody would really bother making them.
Materials other than metal would be awesome to see for bows.
Did anyone read this?
Oblivion Bows
If you look closely, it seems like at least most of the bows do in fact have wooden parts attached to 'metal' reinforcements. Plus, from a design standpoint this allows for a lot more unique looks and styles.
Not to mention, it goes along with the other items in the game, which makes sense. You could easily make all the bows, oak, pine, elm, etc, but it makes more sense to name them their metal counterparts. For example.
Oak Bow = Oak swords, armor, etc.
Steel Bow = Steel swords, armor, etc.
It made more sense to name them after metal, because then they fit in with the rest of the weapons classes in a way that made sense.
Good point, but not everything needs to have a tier, would be nice just to have "weapons" on a broad spectrum. When you find a bow, you can take a look at it and see how good/valuable it is.
FYI you can't use pine for bows, it's too soft and brittle. Elm is a hardwood, but It's a soft hardwood doubt it'd be very useful for a bow. Oak is a suitable "bow wood" but yeah, there's a big "wood is wood" mentality, I think it'd be nice to see some unique bows that are made out of something other than just the normal materials. Morrowind had bonemold weapons and generic longbows and such which was nice.