But I saw another game whilst browsing, y'see you don't expect to see many games on the bargain shelves that aren't the result of a re-release. So they stand out. It's called "Hard to be a God" and I've never heard of it, which in my strange non-sensical way, meant it might be good (not 100% smart way to purchase but it has its moments) I don't even recognise the developers. I mean I actually wanted Bioshock until I heard it mentioned far too many times than I would like to notice (I know, it's stupid but I've always been like that, me and hype go together like oil and water) so I picked this over that. Bioshock was too on the bargain shelves o_O But whatever, it was 2 games for ?15 and I knew Bioshock would hang around for a while longer.
Has anyone played Hard to be a God? I don't really want any info on it, just curious. I haven't installed it yet, and might give Tactics a thorough play-through before I do.
And there you have it, 2mins of your life veritably wasted

I'm listening to Children of Bodom's Follow the Reaper by the way...Incase anyone..y'know, cares. Shut up, I'm in a good mood for no reason