Quick question. Is their any work around out there that helps with dual wielding weapons. IE if your dual wielding two swords, and then equip a bow you cant press your hot key for the swords again to dual wield as it only equips primary hand.
If you use the favourites menu rather than hotkeys, you just re-equip one of the blades into your right hand and the left hand weapon will auto-equip.
The favorites menu still pauses the game, and is a menu. Seeing as equipping a spell forces you back into this menu to redo a dual-wield, this is NOT a solution, it is a hardship.
The favorites menu still pauses the game, and is a menu. Seeing as equipping a spell forces you back into this menu to redo a dual-wield, this is NOT a solution, it is a hardship.
Exactly, I really want to roll a dual wielding Dark elf battle mage but it such a hassle.