Arcade was tending to the locals of Freeside when he learned that Caesar's Legion had been defeated and NCR was being pushed out of New Vegas. Though he found that independence for New Vegas was not all he hoped it would be, Arcade did his best to help the locals govern themselves.
Arcade was the only companion who seemed devoted to following the Courier through thick and thin. He even developed some fun and entertaining ways to amuse the Courier through the wasteland, occasionally performing disappearing acts or even once famously appearing to have two heads on one memorable visit to the Old Mormon Fort!
Having never received a replacement brain, Rex finally succumbed to old age, abruptly shutting down forever one quiet morning. After two centuries of life and decades of service to humanity, Rex collapses and dies.
The Courier was unable to help Rex because ED-E was inadvertently locked in an interrogation room in Camp McCarran, and the lazy quest-giving NCR Lieutenant had lost the keys...
Craig Boone (otherwise known as Chuck Norris) had to be sedated after the courier accidentally took him into the Legion camp. The killing spree lasted for several hours. Inexplicably the courier was still able to waltz into Caesar's tent like nothing had happened. Boone was last seen being escorted into the lucky 38 by 2 securitron bots.
When things settled down again and he had recovered, Boone found himself re-enlisting with his old unit. Though his regrets remained in his thoughts, they coalesced into a purpose, and Boone embraced it. He spent his leave time hunting down slavers in the desert, his First Recon beret the last thing they never saw.
Veronica enjoyed getting away from the Hidden Bunker, and adventured happily in the Mojave with the Courier, but unfortunately she was suddenly struck lame for no apparent reason and, unable to move from one spot, had to be left behind.
The peace with NCR served to ease Veronica's worries about the Brotherhood's immediate future. Still, a distance had arisen between her and her fellow members that would never be bridged. She began secluding herself in crumbling libraries of the Old World, learning of promising technologies she knew the Brotherhood would never adopt.
Still grappling with self-doubt over his usefulness in the face of old age, Raul was never able to find peace with himself. Eventually, he left the Mojave and assumed a new name, as he had done so many times before.
The Courier took Raul to speak to several old soldiers in the Mojave, hoping to ease Raul's burdens, but unfortunately the Courier had already spoken to one old man earlier in his travels, who would not repeat his speech for Raul's benefit, so Raul was unable to find the closure he needed.
With its logs cleared and its systems upgraded ED-E is discovered by a traveling caravan, who take him on as a protector as they wander the wastes. The Followers of the Apocalypse used the information recovered from ED-E on Poseidon Energy, to develop new methods to harness the energy of the sun.
Someone must have eventually got him out of that damn Interrogation Room somehow!
Lily was of great use to the Courier throughout his travels, but never could never work out which weapon she wanted to use in battle so sometimes strapped her gun to her sword and used both, which seemed strangely fitting to Lily's personality.
Encouraged by the Courier to take her medication regularly, Lily's mind eventually attained a semblance of clarity. Her memories dulled by the pills, she cast aside the recording of her grandchildren, no longer remembering its significance.
Cass lived to see the Courier bring down three armies and by her count, that was three more than she'd expected. She'd kept quiet about that, though.
Unfortunately, when she was gravely injured by Boomers' missiles at Nellis Airforce Base, she somehow ingested some strange DNA which later led to a horrific condition in which her hands became mutated and looked almost like alien hands. Dr. Henry and Doctor Usanagi are still trying to restore Cass to normal but the prognosis is not good.
The New California Republic celebrated its second victory at Hoover Dam, establishing definitive control over the entire Mojave Wasteland. Soon after, they negotiated terms to annex The Strip, Freeside, and many surrounding communities. The Mojave wasteland, at long last, had entirely fallen under the NCR's banner.
The Courier would have preferred to create an Independant New Vegas with the help Yes Man, but after the Legion Massacre at the hands of Boone, the door to Mr. House's hidden bunker would not open for some reason. The only way forward then was to side with the NCR.
And so the Courier who had cheated death in the cemetery outside Goodsprings cheated death once again, and the Mojave wasteland was forever changed, thanks to his valiant efforts against insurmountable odds, mainly due to bugged quests, NPCs, companions or just the general lack of game testing that seems self-evident...