someoene should have told them that before they had the resource wars. :sadvaultboy:
Yes well, the left over from the destruction of the surface mining and the toxins are horrible and its disgusting. I truly hate them but it has to be done to an extent, at least slowly, adn companies should at least be held responsible for cleanup operations.
One of America's reasons for annexing Canada was for its resources but I am sure by 2077 the oil sands were running on empty both in Alberta and in Saskatchewan. That's right, Saskatchewan has just as much oil as Alberta but they passed laws to keep from getting it :whistling:
Yes and that is a good thing that they dont let the mining happen in Saskatchewan. One, the environmental destruction is too greast, 2. Sasckatchewan is great farmland adn I would prefer to not ahve my foods contaminated.
There are fatal flaws with making fuel from corn. First being: If you use your corn to make fuel, what are you going to eat? The remaining corn used for eating will cost people more, which means your people will not be happy. Second being fuel made from corn does not last as long as gas does, not that gas lasts that long. Third being its really not that powerful as gas.Still problems two and three and be solved with Science! but the first can't.MWBoS make use of tanks but that is most likely due to their lack of Power Armour which other BoS groups seem to have plenty of. NCR would be able to make or re-use tanks but a better ghoul would be getting their own PA.
Its the truth and biofuels are a joke of an idea.
Im surprised Hydrogen Fuel cells were not created in the Fallout Universe. After all you could use irradiated water to power tank, it would be so beast.