World map - Fast travel modification idea

Post » Mon Dec 07, 2015 8:37 pm

Basically... I'd love to see the fast travel go back to the one like Fallout 2.
That being said, that in FO2 was sometimes a huge pain, and when it was taken out in FO3, I was like 'oh thank God.'

But, then again could it be made, optional?

See this video for FO2 fast travel, with the car.

Yep an automobile. These could come back into the game and they don't even have to move ;) - they just make fast travel go even quicker & add storage, needs fuel.

I can imagine it now. In FO4 you go to the pipboy. On the map screen you select where you want to go, and the player arrow on the map starts moving with footstep sounds. Random encounters could be around the place, but have audio warnings - such as - getting too close to a pack of stingwings will have a sound of heavy buzzing, and so forth.
With the car it would be faster travelling but the audio warnings would be quieter because of the car engine.

Good idea? Bad idea?

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Jimmie Allen
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