I find Skyrim's 3D world map a bit immersion breaking, it's like you're looking from above with a satellite bird eye. Miss the world map from Oblivion.
I find Skyrim's 3D world map a bit immersion breaking, it's like you're looking from above with a satellite bird eye. Miss the world map from Oblivion.
2D is better, definitely.
I'd like them to go one step further and actually have maps as in-game items you have to find or purchase, with varying condition issues and detail.
I kind of like Google Nirn but I think Morrowind's map is the best of them.
2D map for me. I got so fed up with the 3D map that I stopped looking at it (unless I needed it for a Radiant quest location). It's really amazing how much larger Skyrim feels without it.
I like both, they both have good things and bad things about it
Skyrim's map is immersion breaking for me. 2D has my vote.
I like the 3D from Skyrim, for it shows the mountains better, and when I am traveling somewhere, it is easier to see how to get to where I am headed. What mountains I have to go around, etc. When I look at the map in Skyrim, it is like I have sent my spirit up and it is looking down and telling me which way to go. Just like looking up at the stars will start Frostfall. Hope that made sense.
Mountains can be marked by icons, just like the way the old maps do it. I want to stay on the ground and not jump to the sky like Superman to see my surroundings and land back down.
I like Skyrim's map and have no experience with other TES maps to know otherwise.
But what I wish was that it was a 2d map. And that you had to buy maps from merchants or explore the areas and discover them on your map yourself. I recall a game (and I can't for the life of me remember what game it was) but you had to buy maps. However you could chose from highly details maps that showed many places of interest or just basic locations of importance. And I wish the map looked more like something drawn on parchment. Imagine stopping and pulling out an elder scroll like map? I recall there being a mod like this a long time ago for Skyrim. I saw it on a nexus Skyrim Mod video.
Maybe make the map more interactive as well. I sort of dislike how clouds appear on my map and hide the roads. If I want a magic map I'll go to Hogwarts and buy one.