I've made some counting: there are 120 dungeons and approximately 20x3=60 dragon language words. Does it mean that this mentioned World Walls are in every other dungeon? Seems weird, doesn't it?
I wouldn't be surprised if there are multiple words in the larger dungeons. Also Howard has hinted that some of the dragons will in fact speak the common language, and that not all are hostile, this could clearly mean that dragons could teach you shouts. Then we have the Throat of the World (correct title for the big temple on the mountain top?) where we will probably learn more. Plus I wouldn't be surprised to find a quest or store that has some ancient scroll/book/artifact with words in dragon tongue. The dragon language and shouts are meant to be a new pivotal mechanic in Skyrim and I don't see the devs risking over using the system and making it become hackneyed or boring when you find a new word every other dungeon. But honestly at this point anything anyone can do is speculate until Todd or one of the devs comes right out and says it.
I wouldn't be surprised if there are multiple words in the larger dungeons. Also Howard has hinted that some of the dragons will in fact speak the common language, and that not all are hostile, this could clearly mean that dragons could teach you shouts. Then we have the Throat of the World (correct title for the big temple on the mountain top?) where we will probably learn more. Plus I wouldn't be surprised to find a quest or store that has some ancient scroll/book/artifact with words in dragon tongue. The dragon language and shouts are meant to be a new pivotal mechanic in Skyrim and I don't see the devs risking over using the system and making it become hackneyed or boring when you find a new word every other dungeon. But honestly at this point anything anyone can do is speculate until Todd or one of the devs comes right out and says it.
Also judging from the Todd Howard Q&A http://www.nowgamer.com/features/1316/elder-scrolls-v-skyrim-bethesda-interview you can combine words/shouts to create new ones.
Originally we allowed you to combine shouts but was really confusing so now the game does it for you. There’s about 2 dozen in the game, though there are three words each for these so there’s 60-plus words to collect.