So far I've got a pretty good idea of what I want to do planned out in my head, and all three poll options play into it. The premise is this: The DLC, even with limitations and difficulty mods, can feel too easy. Especially if you've done it before. What I plan on doing is creating a mod that makes the areas much more difficult through a combination of:
- Re-scaled enemies (NOT just HP tanks)
- Increased / altered spawn locations
- New enemies entirely (You thought the Legendary Deathclaw was tough?)
- Higher/more skill checks (intuitively placed to feel as natural as possible, with plenty of options around it)
- Redone items locations (to not interfere with mods that change their stats such as WMX)
- Expanded levels and quests. (larger, more difficult levels without feeling copy/pasted or tedious - just enough to make it a challenge)
- *Future Goal* Create alternate paths through the DLC. (Think you know what to do in Dead Money? Kill your teammates and activate the Gala event a new, even tougher, yet more rewarding way.)
So there's my grand scheme for this. I'm going to get down to business once I beat Lonesome Road tomorrow / Wednesday, I just want to see what my first goal (and beta) should include.
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