The recent Playstation article mentioned that the variety of meats and food items seemed very complex and interesting for "a world where the players don't have to eat."
Do you think this confirms that there will be no hardcoe/survival mode in Skyrim?
Or do you think it's possible there is one, but perhaps Bethesda told journalists not to say anything about it until E3?
Or perhaps simply excluded from the demo but included in the final version of the game?
Do you think this confirms that there will be no hardcoe/survival mode in Skyrim?
Or do you think it's possible there is one, but perhaps Bethesda told journalists not to say anything about it until E3?
Or perhaps simply excluded from the demo but included in the final version of the game?
I would say that that only implies that there won't be a requirement to eat in the vanilla game, which is to be expected anyway. It doesn't really say anything about the possibility of a hardcoe mode.
Beyond that, and this is of course only speculation on my part, I'd think that the writer is hinting at the possibility of a hardcoe mode, but has no confirmation of that himself. Reading between the lines, I'd take it as he was told that "players don't have to eat," but he's saying, "Hmm.... there are all these different food items available though.... sort of odd for a game that doesn't require eating, don'tcha think? <raised eyebrow>." Of course, it's possible too that he's just mocking Beth a bit, since the same could be said of Oblivion - it's sort of odd that there are food items everywhere and even vendors that sell nothing but food items, but nobody has to eat.
But in any event, it doesn't confirm anything or even particularly strongly imply anything other than that the vanilla game won't have a requirement to eat, which, again, is what we would've expected anyway.