Awesome, thank you CevSteel!
This will help alot, as the main town in my DLC is all situated inside a huge building with lots of holes in the roof and walls - having exterior lighting will indeed look very nice.
Sorry for derailing the Thread, I'll get back on topic in a moment. :laugh:
your welcome, it was a huge epiphany for me, once I noticed that little check box. If you want to see some examples of what can be done with this technique take a look at the screens of my mod. L'Enfant Roof 01 and, 02 both use this method. :dance:
Ok, back to topic.
The only way I've ben able to get anything close to a dark day is to use the method mentioned before. Creating a new Weather, changing all the R,G,B settings to match the night settings. The only real issue I've seen is the lighting is not as dynamic as I would like. It tends to be a little flat during the day. I'm of course using worldspaces to build my interiors in, which has it's own set of issues, being the sun shines through all objects and, nothing accept the player and, creatures, cast a shadow.
You may also want to look at the screens from my mod, there are a lot of examples of my efforts to turn off the sun.
I hope someone can come up with a better solution, I would love to improve the quality of the light in my own cells.
sorry for not being more helpful, I've put quite a bit of time in on this type of issue and, that was the best workaround I could come up with.