» Wed Mar 09, 2011 1:25 am
Agreed. "You think you're all that, but you're not!" is the same as saying "You say big words to sound smart, but we all no your dum!"
I find the trend of this topic to be rather amusing. Technically, to find something cliche, one would have to be enough of a bookworm or comic book nerd or movie watcher to have experienced enough literature with similar plots and devices. The word "meme" comes to mind suddenly. I also agree that just because something is cliche doesn't make it bad, unless you engorged yourself on a huge amount of similar content and now are full of it. And I totally get where those people are coming from. Lets have more female action heroes already! Male action heroes seem too cliche!
So the moral of the story is to avoid being too cultured, avoid cliche materials like the plague, and don't allow yourself to get used to any one plot type. You are just setting yourself up for disappointment because we all know, at least us educated types know, that every plot has been thought of, and copied 100 times, and then mixed with another copied plot 100 times.
So what if the story is not so great? That is the great thing about TES series games that I have come to expect. Not a bad storyline, but a great open world, where you could have a ton of freedom and even avoid every quest altogether if you wish. In my opinion, as time passes and technology improves, the story in the TES series will only become less and less integral, and just the whole scope and variety of the world will engulf the player. Perhaps that is the whole idea behind the mediocre storytelling.
Another theory would be that they didn't have enough quest master talent, and so they increased their staff to 100 or so, which probably includes an entire story production crew, correct me if I'm wrong.