Because he doesn't know the lore and made up a back story that doesn't fit?
Might as well have said he was seeking revenge after being abducted by alien Jedi.
LMAO! this cracked me right up...
Nah peeps... there is only one way to enjoy this game. Play on MASTER difficulty so that you have a deeper more tactical/strategic game overall from the get-go even if it is abit challenging in places (this will also span out quest times) as this will give you room to experiment with different ideas and things and think a little to beat given situations. Afterall that is what a RPG is about... then, never fast travel, always explore, always try new things to find your ideal playstyle (if you are new to the series or just are really not sure what kind of character to play next), seek any possible side quests over the main quest (to give you even more hours of playtime), ask in bars for quests, talk to every npc, sometimes just wander round towns and the quests find you, hunt things, mine things, smelt things, enjoy every second of your time in Skyrim and REVEL in it! bwahahahaha I could go on forever. So... much... CONTENT!
I've been playing since the day it was released (not over killing time). Must have spent about... 12 hours up to press, so not too much. I'm only level 10, and have only just began the main quest to get dragon fights rolling for dragon souls, done a couple of others, and a few misc quests. But if this is anything like previous games of the series that is how you play it. I think unless you rush it, it is near impossible to run out of things to do so soon. I can't understand how people manage to, to be honest. If what they said is true and this game is more dense than oblivion. I think if I play this right I'll be playing for a massive amount of time and you should too!
Have fun! hahaha.