I can't help but be worried that there will be similar issues in Skyrim.
I was going to preorder this but after thinking about this for a while, I might decide to wait a week or so after it's out. (couldn't wait any longer than that.
I would get it for the pc, but I don't like using the keyboard, so I might consider buying a 360 (used) just to play this game, and perhaps some others. But then theres another issue im worried about... the RRoD. (I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place bliviongate: )
What do you think I should do?
I'm not letting people decide officially for me, I just want something to think about.
EDIT: I'd prefer not to get it for my computer, Im 15 and the pc is in my parent's bedroom so there would be many restrictions as to when I could play