Worried that my 360 HDD will die

Post » Mon Aug 01, 2011 12:31 pm

So my birthday is on Monday and I decided to treat myself by downloading FNV from xbox live, and not even twelve hours in I have already had twenty-two corrupt save files (be them auto-save or other), and a crash that really scared me. I've had games crash on me before but this time when it happened I rebooted my xbox just to find that my gamerscore was reduced to zero, my avatar was blank, the wallpaper on my 360 was at default, and a lot of other customization had been undone. I turned my xbox off again and then back on and everything was back to the way it should be, but it left me wondering, what exactly happened? Is this straining my HDD, if it ends up happening again can there be permanent repercussions? I don't want to lose my gamerprofile or anything on that HDD because I have over twenty games downloaded to it. Has this happened to any of you guys, and if so what do you suggest as the best course of action?

Edit: Since posting this my game has crashed, yet again. What a piece of crap.
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Jessica Lloyd
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