1st off i probably got u all beat my 1st system was a NES when i was 3 so ive been gaming for 20 years now lol
2nd i like the visuals of this game even the character customizations look good and the gameplay looks great
the only thing i WORRY about though is game integrity I play alot of warhawk well used to i got sick of being aimbotted by cheaters from across the map
and got tired of trying to play the game with little children who stand around shooting at the skies and not going for the main objective
so will there be integrity control? age verification maybe? and knives i hate knives being OP one hit kill with a knife is not possible in real life unless beheaded or scewed through the heart and even that takes time to die from lol so if the knives are OP you loose alot of game integrity because right there people will be cheating as in running around tapping the fire button and slashing away plus when people die they dont care they just respawn and start slashing away again maybe losing points when you die or something could somewhat but an end to that... this way its based on skill not hack slash cheats like other MMOS's but other then integrity i have high hopes for this game plus i guess if online play ends up being crap i can always play offline or just a private session with 1 or 2 buddies so like i said i have high hopes for Brink :teehee:
Ok first off, ever heard of a comma? You should use itsome time

Anywho, theres no OHKs in brink (a few exceptions for a light in some cases), the game is rated teen but even if it was mature theres nothing really stopping kids from playing, but there wpnt be alot of mindless kids hopefully, even if there is theres co op with up to 7 other freinds and you can bring them to play online against 8 other players.
And there is no "cheating" if your able to do it in the game that was put in by the devs, it may be cheap and annoying but its not really cheating.
Also, just to be clear brink is a fps. Not a mmo, a mmo would be games like world of warcraft or DC universe online.
Anywho, any one mind linking hime to the holy bible of brink?