First off, I'd like to state that Brink seems like the most inventive game I've ever seen, I do wish that more could be implimented into the game, but do understand that there are limits that a developers have when designing a game. However, even with all the promises that Brink offer I'm a bit unsettled... It always seems like developers seem to overexagerate their games before release, for example, Borderlands which promised billions and trillions of guns.... Too bad it was the same 100 guns remodled for higher levels and slightly varying stats

Now, I'm not trying to be a buzz kill or anything like that, I still think that Brink is going to be a very fun game and may even have a few sequels. What is worrying me is the fact that even tho character customization is very large, it seems very limited... I'm not exactly sure how many parts will be featured in the game, but what it comes down to is that all you can do is use pre-rendered items and change there color, I'm sure there's a lot more to the customization, but it always come down to the fact that were still limited. This isn't a bad thing of course, but knowing that in the past character customization can end in a lot of people doing the same thing, this worries me a little.
Is anybody else sharing my worries about the character customization not being all that it's cracked up to be?