Worries about Magic System and "Live Cities"

Post » Sun Jul 25, 2010 1:08 am

Or that these "Live Cities" are just going to be a bigger version of Fallout Towns? 10 or so Unique Named NPC's with 30 or so "Skyrim Travelers" walking around.


Oblivion's style was a massive waste of resources. most NPCs, especially in the imperial city had worthless, irrelevant daily tasks and dialogue, yet the developers still need to spend time and money doing them. What a colossal waste, especially since the imperial city still felt stale and stilted. In Arena and Daggerfall there were quite a lot of NPCs, the cities were large, almost nobody was unique, and their names were basically generated. That is how you do it, except with today's gaming technology you could have far more NPCs and actually make the cities feel like cities, not snoozetowns.

Just thought I'd add my opinion into this topic...
To anyone who claims that having cities with people whose names you don't know carry out their lives unaffected by you is unrealistic, I challenge you to walk around an actual city. Or, better still, pester someone with small talk and rumours. A percentile of 'filler NPCs', who'd follow a simple yet detailed schedule would certainly increase realism. Honestly, should everyone in the game respond to you, tell you their name engage in small talk and stand around until you dismiss them? I'd much prefer some people merely grunt, just mutter hello and tell you to go away if pushed further, blatantly ignore you in addition to chat with you. Obviously, an Assassin's Creed style implementation would not fit the game, but would it kill people to have a couple of citizens go about their lives uninterrupted? My preferred implementation would be around 10 to 50 NPCs, possibly identifiable by your Telepathic Name-Reading Ability, who have better things to do than converse all day.

If I walked out onto the street right now and asked some random person for their name, their rumors or their life story, I'd probably get stabbed.
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Post » Sun Jul 25, 2010 7:11 am

If I walked out onto the street right now and asked some random person for their name, their rumors or their life story, I'd probably get stabbed.

You're forgetting a few things here. Firstly, in this day and age, no-one goes up to people and asks them about rumours. Because we have the internet, and news papers. You get your rumours from there. Back in the day where there was no TV, no internet, no phones, and barely any written stuff, the only way to get news was to ask people. People wouldn't think twice about why a stranger was asking them for the latest rumour. By your logic there wouldn't ever be any quests because instead of giving us a quest, we'd get stabbed first.

Secondly, this is to all the people complaining that the schedules of the various NPCs was pointless, and we should have randomly generated NPCs. What happens if you follow one of these NPCs for a week? You'd notice they spent their life endlessly running around, or doing nothing. That would be a bigger immersion breaker than them not being in the first place.
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Post » Sat Jul 24, 2010 8:48 pm

Secondly, this is to all the people complaining that the schedules of the various NPCs was pointless, and we should have randomly generated NPCs. What happens if you follow one of these NPCs for a week? You'd notice they spent their life endlessly running around, or doing nothing. That would be a bigger immersion breaker than them not being in the first place.

I myself think that background NPCs should have actual occupations, but if you're going to stalk useless NPCs for game-days on end, then you're really asking for the immersion to be broken. Of course, this phenomenon is rampant in Oblivion, and I can't see how characters like this would exacerbate things. Still a lot more sensible than Morrowind's "I stand around all day" NPCs.

And to the whole "rumours" thing: while yes, that is how news can be spread (although the Black Horse Courier undoubtedly serves this purpose), it's not like everyone was friendly way back before the television and the internet, et cetera, there were still people who wouldn't give you the time of day, and you're not going to get your daily bulletin off someone in a hurry. That's what these people are meant to represent.
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Post » Sat Jul 24, 2010 10:36 pm

Am I the only one worried that spells are going to be lame again?

Or that these "Live Cities" are just going to be a bigger version of Fallout Towns? 10 or so Unique Named NPC's with 30 or so "Skyrim Travelers" walking around.

Regarding cities, I want them to be like Assassin's Creed cities; Bustling with people and activity.

BEST suggestion in these forums as I also once said

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