As is everyone (Looking forward to Brink anyways), I am thinking of what could ruin the game/make it not quite what anyone expects. (Yes I have used the search function, the biggest dissapoinment is no female characters). Heres the list:
1) The game goes good for a month then dies really fast.
2) All the classes will have generic body shapes - Skinny for Operative, Skinny/medium for Medics, Large for Soldier and skinny/medium for Engie
3) Lack of patches, updates, new gameplay, map-paks and DLC
4) Some guy from Black Ops will go and find the most OP weapon and spam it, leading to more people using the OP gun
5) No disguising (I personally want to be able to Disguise, leads to those WTF BETRAYAL moments you jsut love ;D)
6) Campaign will be like 4-8 hours in total (2-3 hours for each)
7) Everyone will use the same Perks (Combat intuition, stealth running etc..)
1. It's a Splammage game. They know how to do longevity better than anyone.
2. Experimentation will be a big part of Brink. Maybe that's not the best thing for those classes, who knows?
3. It's a Splammage game, they're with Valve at the top of the post-release support tower of kings.
4. If there is an OP weapon, it will most likely be a heavy weapon, so you'll have to sacrifice a lot of speed to use it, and some people will take perks that gives them more health, which makes the over-powered-ness less relevant. Anyway, Brink isn't about killls, and I know that people wont play for kills, even "that guy from Black Ops."
5.There is disguising, but you need to incapacitate the person you're disguising as first.
6. 5 hours each, unfortunately, but bear in mind that's 10 hours, plus several classes to master, several perks to try, three body types, a million guns to try, and it goes on. Massive replayability.
7. Experimentation, again. People will experiment til they find the perks they like best, and with Splammages balancing, there should be a lot of variety in players.
Now some of my hopes for the game:1) Plenty of customization options
2) Will be lots of gamemodes and maps
3) That you can run dedicated servers (if possible

4) It becomes more popular then Black Ops
5) It creates a Sequel
6) It introduces many perks so that no one plays the same
7) Allow knives to instantkill on backstab (:3, you should add some sort of reason to watch your back)
8) Add flamethrowers or some sort of Fire-based weapon fo CQC
1. Oh, there definitely will be.
2. There is, and hopefully.
3. On PC there is, on console it's P2P
4. You want a brand new IP with only semi-big hype to outsell the best selling and most successful release in entertainment history? Unlikely.
5. Hopefully it'll be a looooooooooooong, long time before that.
6. I think there already is this.
7. There's no Instakills at all, thank christ, and they already removed backstabs, again, thank christ.
8. Sounds interesting.