Since release I have created up to 5 characters. Not because i like starting over, but because there is a huge abundance of bugs that make the game literally unplayable. At first, I had to go in and tweak the game for hours and download some mods to get it so my mouse would work correctly... Then as I played, multiple quests would bug out, making it so I could not complete them. So I would start over; I would make a new character and play through again. The second time through, no bug on the quest i had previously and thought "Ok, good to go!". Nope! as I got deeper into the game yet another quest bugged out, this time i did more research on the console commands and got past it that way. Yet, I encountered the exact same bug again on a different quest... AGAIN!! After doing more research on the console commands i tried this, but that only got me so far until it happened again. So i started another character since the game had ruined my experience with that character. This happened to me 3-5 more times, I have spent almost an equal amount of time being windowed out (looking for answers and fixes) compared to actual gameplay... Is anyone else feeling my frustrations?? I mean I knew bethseda games are usually buggy: Morrowind, Oblivion, Fallout 3, etc... But having this many bugs that actually make the game unplayable?!?! Maybe the devs should have spent more time on tweaking the game (Because i shouldnt have to do it just to play their game I friggin payed for) instead of spending all their time on "detail"... Not that the textures even look all too good actually. Im not even saying the game wasnt fun, was amazing gameplay and an awesome story line, but it is very hard for me to enjoy something I am unable to play...
P.S. Any news on when a possible (I say possible because its bethseda and there might not even be a patch) patch and Editor will be available??