Post » Tue May 31, 2011 12:44 pm

So what's the deal here?? I start to type, "haha awesome kill" and before I know it, I can no longer type. I have to then press Y again to type and half the old message is there, then BLAM I die, because no-one knew I was chatting - there was no little icon on me showing "typing" like every other multiplayer game.

Then, the lobby... you cannot click on a friend and say "add as friend" and when you FIND them as a friend, you can't even send them a message, there's no "start chat" or anything, NOTHING to make it easy to find maps with and for a friend. So I just find a server, send "invite" and hope the other person sees it before entering another game.

I've gotten to level 32 FOUR times now, and each time I do the server CRASHES! I can't message my friends "ARG I'M SO DARNED ANGRY" so I get even more friggen angry.

I love the game, I love the sounds, I love the graphics, I love the guns, I love the suit, I love SO MUCH but DAMNIT the little problems are RIGHT in your face.

CHAT SYSTEM, svckS. Someone REPLIES to what I say, but I can't SEE IT because I'm in "kill cam" because I was killed while typing, and then they're reply is covered up by the kill cam... and even when it's not, it's friggen blurred to hell in the sky because the text doesn' thave an outline! - I play at 1920x1080 full graphics, it doesn't make a different.

Chat system, is really horrible. THIS must be an easiER fix?? Let me know pleeeease Crytek :)

Hope I didn't offend anyone
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Soku Nyorah
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Post » Tue May 31, 2011 11:00 pm

In-game chat is buggy, I'll agree with that. But really, theres hardly any point to an in-game messenger. In this day of age, with Steam, Xfire, and so many other messengers, theres no point in it because most of the time the people you have added ingame are probably on your Steam/xfire/other messenger friend list.

All we can do is hope for chat to get fixed and that will be that. I'd rather talk to people through steam than on a game. See Battlefield BC2 or just about every other multiplayer game in existance save MMO's, they tend to have no messenger system
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maya papps
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Post » Tue May 31, 2011 6:54 pm

I bought the game on DVD. I haven't used steam since Half Life, and I don't know what xfire is.

Starcraft nailed the in-game chat system, it's sole-purpose is to talk to people in game, and it works perfectly. A similar system is what I was asking for.
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