» Tue Dec 06, 2011 2:57 pm
"Worst?" Well, for expansions, that IS a little hard, since all in all, all three are good. In the end, though, I might go with Tribunal, since it feels the most forced/contrived for a lot of it. It's not quite so much that it's BAD, but rather than the other two are simply more superb. Now if only all the flagship games had the same quality as the expansions for them...
As for the games, it's a toss-up between Arena and Oblivion. Of course, in all fairness, I can't count in mods, since game modding didn't even really exist in the early 1990s. In the end, I'd probably go with un-modded Oblivion being the least of the series, given how it represented a number of conscious steps backwards without any real benefit to come of it.