» Sat Feb 19, 2011 4:56 am
Metal Gear Solid 2, hands down. The last leg of the game can easily be completed in 20 minutes, but if you watch all of the cutscenes, it lasts for about 3 hours. And all throughout, it waxes rants faux-philosophical BS, completely discards previous things that were mentioned earlier (and which also involved overlong cutscenes), doesn't explain anything, and then has the gall to portray itself as a happy ending despite how absolutely dismal everything is.
After that, Metal Gear Solid 4. At first, it's quite good. Near every loose end is tied up, every hole covered, every thread tied. There's a real sense of closure, equal parts happiness and tragedy, and the whole thing is very poetic, a fine and fitting way to end a series once and for all, the credits start rolling...oh wait, it's a fake-out, there's more. And now another it's another hour-long monologue that uses a lot of words to say little, explains things that didn't need to be explained, and otherwise ruins much of the drama. [censored] Christ, Kojima, you just can't leave well enough alone.