Wanna be really evil?
Get vilified with NCR.
Do Dead Money.
Don't argue or backlash Elijah.
Then by the end side with Elijah.
That oughta be evil enough.
Effectively killing Caesar, Lucius, Lanius, Vulpes, House and a lot of NCR too, hell if Kimball is there during the speech then bot he and Oliver are offed.
Could kill off three nations. It's highly speculative, but I think Legion with most of their leader figures dead would start to crumble, and NCR is already dying (in my perspective) so with the NCR being such a messup they'd fall apart due to revolutions and riots.
And House is in a fixed position, if the red mist doesn't kill him then Elijah will when he returns.
bleh, thats omnicidal, plus what kind of evil [censored] would want to work with elijah (or let him live after the bomb collar thing)
I don't want to go on slaughters through towns, i just want the worst ending slides. Like letting the strip get overrun by omertas, convincing freeside to riot, nuking every one in LR, convincing boone to be an assassin, that sort of thing. Oh well off to play [censored]!courier