I will say Oblivion was a huge disappointment for me, considering the extreme hype machine for that game. While I normally don't fall for hype, it's Bethesda; I expected to get exactly what I was promised.
However, Oblivion is by no means worthy of any "Worst RPG" list, IMHO. It was a massive letdown, but I still enjoyed the time I spent with it and it's still better than most attempts at sandbox RPGs. :shrug:
Caught me before I could edit.

Yeah, it's not on my worst ever list, but it bummed me out more than just buying a bad game would have due to my expectations.
Any of Nippon Ichi's games, Valkyria Chronicles. I just couldn't stand DAO because it felt like a PS1 era adventure game, with all the same dated mechanics that went with it.
PS1-era adventure game? Did you play DA:O? Just out of curiosity, can you elaborate on what the dated mechanics were and why they're bad? Also, how far in did you play and on which platform? I mean, "worst RPG ever" is a pretty strong statement considering most RPG players I know thought it was great. Again, not challenging your opinion...I'm just curious.