So what do you guy's think the worst shout is (besides clear skies)? I think mine would be Kyne's Peace.
So what do you guy's think the worst shout is (besides clear skies)? I think mine would be Kyne's Peace.
Animal Allegiance, Kyne's Peace, Call of Valor, and some other Shout. The Thu'um is just too weak. Damn timer. Good thing I will be using the AoT glitch soon.
I think Clear Skies is under appreciated just a bit, especially when just traveling without confrontation (i.e. venturing in a blizzard comes to mind). Disarm is the one I choose because it seems underwhelming against tougher (I can see it fail against highest level) opponents, even when all 3 words are used.
I'd say Kyne's Peace or Animal Allegiance. I actually like the wood elf racial because it's useful at low levels, what with mammoths, bears, and sabre cats. But, by the time you get AA or KP, you may as well just shred through the animals.
Not with a Black Book reward. Makes it superior to Ice Form with only one WoP.
All of them except unrelenting force. Actually, all of them period. There's mildly useful at best IMO when compared with master/expert level magic. Why fusrodah when you can paralyze? Why storm call when you can lightning storm? Why fire breath when you can incinerate? Why animal al - you get the point.
I am inclined to agree with you. However, you have to remember that not every character in Skyrim is a magic user, so they will never get to use spells beyond the apprentice level usually. I, myself, have never actually had a character that uses magic as their primary focus. So, to me, and to a lot of other people, shouts such as Unrelenting Force, Storm Call, Fire Breath, etc. do come in handy as a nice way to back up whatever their primary attacks might be (Two handed, stealth archer, etc.)
Are you kidding? That thing is one of the best on the simple fact that it stops SHOR-DAMNED BEARS from attacking.
For me... Fire/Frost breath. Their damage is pathetic compared to a sustained barrage of fireballs or ice storms (which is available in staff form for those not adept with Destruction), and their cooldown is absurdly long.
In the Vanilla game, very few shouts are actually worth using. Some particular pearls or worthlessness are the above mentioned Animal Allegiance and Dismay. Too long of cooldowns for too little effect. Frost Breath and Fire Breath are much the same, sadly.
With mods, however... I hate overpoweredness, but small tweaks to cooldowns and very slight bumps to Fire Breath and Frost Breath make those shouts absolutely amazing, while still not replacing Destruction magic. Anyone who's played with Frostfall installed will swear by Clear Skies as well. Saved my life more than once!
Some of the shouts are rather worthless, and some feel like some Illusion or Alteration spells with a cool down effect. Animal Allegiance, Kyne's Peace, Dismay, with Fire and Frost Breath just being completely weak destruction spells.
If anyone here is on PC, I rectified a lot of the weaksauce of Shouts with a mod:
The shout with like 2 second timer which only attracts attention of enemies.
A completely useless shout since there is not a single moment in the game where you would actually prefer a nonviolent solution as opposed to just murdering everyone. If Skyrim was more like Deus Ex it would be worth it but not the way it is now. There is no incentive to spending more time getting around things than just rushing through them.