The parameters of my alchemist-themed mod are thus:
-- unique greetings, new topics, and special dialogue for most alchemists
-- many of the popular alchemists (Ajira, Nalcarya, Abelle Chriditte, etc.) have signature recipes exclusive to their shop
-- some tiny alterations to potion-related quests (for instance, Tusamircil will begin selling Anis Seloth's dispel potion after you steal her recipe and give it to him)
-- new potions have been hand-placed in various tombs, ruins, dead bodies, and residences
-- all new potions have been placed on the alchemist's body instead of in the environment (so that if another mod moves him/her, it won't conflict)
Here's a brief example of how the mod operates:
A player selects the topic "anything special" for Anis Seloth in Sadrith Mora:
"You must be new around these parts, outlander, or just completely ignorant. I'm Anis Seloth, one of the finest alchemists in all of Vvardenfell. Of course I have something special! Aside from my wide selection of potions and ingredients, I am revered for my unique dispel potion -- the magepeel."
Now the player selects the topic "magepeel" to learn about her potion:
"Years ago, when I first joined House Telvanni, I developed a type of dispel potion that set me apart from my peers. Not only does it remove magical effects from the imbiber, it will continue to protect the body from magical assault for a modicum of time. The Telvanni buy it from me in hordes. They find it quite useful for their magical experiments that yield unexpected and... unwanted results. I made a fresh batch this morning. It's 200 gold per vial."
If the player completes the Thieves Guild quest "Potion Recipe," Tusamircil now has something to say about "anything special:"
"That dispel recipe you procured for me is quite remarkable. Not only does it remove any magical maladies ailing the imbiber, it will continue to reject magical contamination for a period of time. Since it is because of your services that my shop is doing so well lately, 200 coins sounds like a fair price for it, don't you think %PCName?"
Finally, Anis Seloth's response changes after the quest is completed as well:
"Yes outlander, I DID have something special -- one of the finest dispel recipes ever brewed. But that wretch Tusamircil over at the Mage's Guild in Wolverine Hall hired some blasted thief to steal my recipe for himself! Thankfully, House Telvanni refuses to buy any of my magepeel from him, so my business has not suffered too greatly."
The potion itself does the following:
Dispel 75 points
Reflect 20% for 30 seconds
Thank you in advance for helping to reduce conflicts. If you have any ideas for the mod itself, feel free to share those as well.