My mystic archer's kill stats break down about as follows:
-Bow: 90%
-Illusion: 7%
-Conjuration: 2%
-Restoration (absorb health on touch spells when forced to fight under water): 1%
-Destruction, blade, blunt, h2h, staves: 0%
Basic tactics for differing situations look like this:
-Normal: Long range poisoned sneak shot.
-Dispersed crowds: Snipe the farthest first and stay in the shadows. Repeat.
-Tight crowds: Mind control spells to get the crowd to thin itself to one. Snipe the survivor.
-Underwater: Block with bow and cast touch damage spells.
-If cornered: Block with bow and immobilize foe with a spell (command, calm, paralyze…), then open fire with bow.
-If charged: Stop the charge with an illusion spell, then open fire with bow.
-Panic button: Invisibility, slip away and reapproach for the snipe (combining a cheap summon with invisiblity spell makes this both easier and more fun).
So, yes, a bow makes a fine primary weapon if you know what you're doing. :dance: