Would Chillrend fit my character?

Post » Tue Jul 02, 2013 2:47 pm

You know, my Necrowarrior, Hrafna.

I want a blade for her which is dark and mystical looking. So I considered to make my own weapon with it's enchantments, but it just did not seem to work.

Then I reminded myself of Chillrend, the name itself is pretty mystical. But it's the vapor effect that makes me consider it.

My Necrowarrior can have a very cold personality, and she also uses frost magic. So yeah, a blade that screams for ''I am cold'' and it looks very elegant aswell. However, it isn't exactly ''Dark'' looking.

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Milad Hajipour
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Post » Tue Jul 02, 2013 3:22 am

It sounds perfect IMHO from how you described Hrafna's personality and Frost Magic usage.

If you are on PC, you could try http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/9705//?, it makes Chillrend a little darker due to the transparency :D

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Siobhan Thompson
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Post » Tue Jul 02, 2013 4:24 pm


Hrafna's a gloomy and depressed but very poetic character. Secretly, she is also very kindhearted, but she denies those feelings. I liked the idea of a Necromancer who has good morales without knowing it. She even limits her dark magic and only raises bandits, draugr etc. Never would she raise somebody innocent. Other than that she also got a deep interest and passion for dark things such as the graveyards, the night, melancholy etc.

It's her appearance what makes me wonder if I should go for chillrend. She's like one of those mystical and elegant ''dark'' creatures. A girl with a very pale skin. Her black hair and makeup makes her skin look pretty much white. She also got light grey eyes that look like two full moons. She's absolutely the most beautiful character I ever made. It looks very mystical.

And I just don't know if Chillrend fits with that. I also want her to wear Daedric armor eventually, just fits her too well to ignore.

Sadly, I'm no pc player, yet. Might buy the legendary edition when I get a better pc.

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Jessie Rae Brouillette
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Post » Tue Jul 02, 2013 5:23 am

Definitely. Though it may not look that good with Daedric Armor on.
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Tyler F
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Post » Tue Jul 02, 2013 10:32 am

Yeah, I was worried about that.

I'll find out then, I guess.

Female Daedric armor got that dark elegance which is pretty much perfect for her. The detail in the cloth, the claws of the gauntlets, and the morbid spikes of the shoulders...it's pretty much the best armor set for her, atleast I think. Chillrend got a blue glow which might look slightly odd with the red glow of the armor. But then again, she'll eventually have her own horse and minions that glow purple. So I guess her mystical energy has three colours. :P

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