» Mon Nov 28, 2011 9:37 pm
It's a trade-off, and true of any game of this ilk - the earlier you buy it, the more time you get to spend with it and enjoy it at the same time as all your friends. That means you have to inevitably bear with it while a few initial problems are ironed out. Sure, it's true that not every bug will be fixed, simply because sometimes trying to fix one thing will break something else - and they have to draw a line under it when all the game-breaking bugs are taken care of it in order that their staff can work on e.g. TES V: Fargoth Vs Jason.
So if you want to get it at a stage where most of the bugs are fixed and you probably won't notice the ones that are left, it's good to wait a few months. The price will probably come down in that time anyway. I actually wait a few months before buying most games - so got Dragon Age and Mass Effect 2 after they'd been out a while and patched up a bit.
Even so, if you wait a while, you can't guarantee that there won't be incompatability issues with your individual, unique-as-a-fingerprint PC setup. It's literally impossible to test for every single hardware/software configuration, so you might still have to update a couple of drivers, or install/uninstall something along the way.
If it helps, I've only encountered maybe 3 bugs in 7 hours of playing and none of them were gamebreaking. I had one crashing issue which went away if I turned right instead of left (and it did only crash at that one point in over 7 hours of play); I had a strange visual glitch in VATS at one point that didn't recur when I tried VATS later; and there's a funny looping sound if you hover the mouse over the menu when you're at a workbench, but it goes away the minute you click anywhere else on the screen. I wouldn't even call those serious bugs. Based on my own experience, I'd say the game is fine to buy now if that's not the sort of thing that would put you off buying a game. I think seven updates in all were released for Fallout 3, and a similar number for Oblivion and Morrowind, so it's a fair assumption that the ones I've mentioned here will be fixed at some point anyway.