» Fri Feb 18, 2011 6:58 pm
Spears, just one of the already (in my opinion) sizeable array of weapons available, versus a core feature of the game, rooted in its plot, the lore of the entire TES series, and something they have worked hard to make truly special? Dragons win for me.
Mounted combat would be nice, but we already have a plethora of offensive and defensive abilities at our disposal. I don't need to wield them from horse/mammoth/whatever-back more than I need dragons to be in the game (due to their plot-critical, technically impressive - they claim - and lore-heavy nature.)
Werewolves I would really, really love to have in the game. However, they weren't in vanilla Morrowind either, and I wouldn't have sacrificed anything in that game to have them. And I wouldn't sacrifice dragons (see above reasons) to have them in the game this time, either. (Although I strongly suspect they'll either be in, or be added via DLC and/or an expansion.)
Spellmaking, as it was, was never going to be in the game. It wouldn't matter how much time and effort they put into developing the dragons. They have stated that it was one of their decided design goals to eliminate what they saw as a "spread sheet-like" spellmaking system, to make spells truly impressive to behold, and to render them more varied and powerful in utility. If the consequence of that means we don't end up with any form of spellmaking, then I'll miss it, but I'd still rather have this new magic system they're touting than the old one. And dragons or no dragons, we weren't ever going to have that system. So, no.
Boats (or rickshaws, or wagons, or some other form of fast travel that doesn't involve simply clicking on a map) is something I have long advocated, and I still advocate and desire it. But would I sacrifice a plot, lore, and gameplay critical element of the game (in terms of their vision for it at least) to have them? No. I'd LOVE them to be in. But I want the dragons even more.
It isn't just because they're "cool." It isn't because they're a gimmick. It's because they are part and parcel of their vision and design for the game, its atmosphere, its balancing, and its pacing. I want to experience that vision, even if it means I'll be missing some things from my own. I want to be surprised and to experience something new.