Rofl. Give up dragons for SPEARS? What is everyone's obsession with spears? Seems like most only want them because they were taken out. They were known to be an underused weapon type during morrowind, now they're gone and everyone claims to have used them primarily. Bizarre.
I wouldn't give up a badass bossfight type creature for any of those things. But if there's no mounted combat, i'd rather not have mounts at all.
And if you had mounted combat, wouldn't you want some type of lance?
Forgive me for even asking, but seriously? SPEARS? Is there something about them I'm missing or not remembering from Morrowind that made them so special that you'd rather have them instead of dragons?
Perhaps I missed something but is it confirmed that werewolves won't be in?
Mounted combat I don't know if I care enough to worry about, it would be cool, and certainly helpful for fighting dragons, but I think I'll live

They weren't special in Morrowind, but they were there. Let me compare them to a piece or armor. If Skyrim didn't let you have helmets, that'd be pretty weird, right? But shouldn't you be happy with all the other pieces of armor they let you use? Just because helmets are arguable the most important piece of armor in history, and one of the few that is still used by many modern militaries. If Bethesda spent 1/10 the tenth the time they've spent on dragons, we could have spears that work like they do in 300 or Troy, an opener weapon that you use to keep an enemy at bay, and can throw before taking out your main weapon.
As for werewolves:
Are you able to be a werewolf in Skyrim?
"We're fans of that stuff as well, and we're currently messing with all that. I don't want to commit to, 'here are the things you can change into and what they're like right now.' Not because we're not doing it, or not attempting to. I just don't know honestly where that's going to end up and how deep we're going to get into that."As to why they are important. Werewolves have been mentioned countless times in the lore, been playable at least twice, and Skyrim is apparently home to more than any other province, including the most common werebeast there, the werebear. So it would be like having Morrowind without Dunmer.
I don't think this isn't the right game for boats anyway. The ocean only touches on one side, and they'd have to do some kind of invisible barrier thing to keep us from sailing into High Rock. Save it for Summerset Isle, where we could freely circle the whole island, in one of these:
Every ES I've played as had boats as a static decoration. Morrowind they were given a use as fast travel, in Daggerfall, you could buy one as a home. In Oblivion, there was a quest where you got taken out to sea. There are ships in big harbors, and tiny boats tied up to docks in many lakes and streams. The Nords are influenced by the medieval Scandinavians (ie vikings) whose culture was largely dependent on sea based warfare and trade.
In addition, travel by ship is a common theme in many legendary stories, such as Sinbad and The Odyssey, which aside from modern sources such as Tolkien are the most important literary influence on adventure RPGs. It's the perfect mix of danger and freedom. A ship in the harbor is safe, but that's not what ships are for.