Because spears are probably the most important, prolific, and useful weapons in human history. Not having spears is like not having helmets. I mean, it seems ridiculous to not include them, but there's other types of armor, right?
Mounted combat is also a huge part of historical combat and fantasy. The domestication of horses allowed man to travel farther than he ever had before, and the use of them in battle allowed whoever had the most of them to win, and create empires based on their use.
And people are really focusing on dragons as the plot element. Pretend for a second there is no main quest, and each dragon is just a dungeon. That flies. And breaths fire, or w/e they do in Skyrim. The game would not collapse without them. It's just a personal choice. Frankly, I believe every single other video game already has the villain-hero thing. TES is about doing whatever you want. So taking out dragons in Skyrim is not equivalent to removing say, the Covenant from Halo, or Russia from Call of Duty.
i like this post, actually has some good points.
oblivion seemed too goal orientated, and not enough 'do what ever you want'
i think bethesda should focus on doing what ever you want more than questing
perhaps they are worried about sales?
if that is the case, then they shouldnt, i mean look at mine craft. it has no purpose what so ever, yet it has made the guy a millionaire and its not even finished.
imo, TES should be the AAA version of minecraft (not literally), in the way that in minecraft, the enjoyment comes from creating your own stories.
that should be one of TES's mottos - We dont make the game for you to enjoy. you play the game to make your self enjoy it.